lunedì 25 marzo 2013

The Reign of Kindo - Qualche anteprima da "Play with Fire"

Edit 25/03/13
Il nuovo album  è stato ancora posticipato dato che in questi giorni il gruppo lo sta masterizzando. Non c'è ancora una data definita, ma sembra sempre più probabile un'uscita tra l'estate e l'autunno. Insieme alla nuova canzone pubblicata a suo tempo ecco altri due nuovi brani presentati dal vivo (Sunshine e I Hate Music).

Infine ecco il comunicato ufficiale della band:

Hey Friends. Joey here.

We are amidst the final mix revisions for the new record which is the last step before we send this baby out to mastering. Release dates have evaded us at the moment for a few reasons: The main reason is that Steve and Myself keep leaving the city to tour and perform with our good friend Gin Wigmore. Our schedule with her has filled up quickly and it makes it difficult to plan our Kindo-related engagements. We understand that this is frustrating to hear if all you want to do is to hear the new record already. While explanations won't hasten the process, I do think they can instill hope and ease frustrations a bit, so here goes:

Every member of the band has to make a living doing something else because we've never made a dime off of this band or our music. Every wonderful dollar generated through the amazing support of our fans via record sales and concerts has gone straight back into paying for all the costs associated with creating, performing and promoting this band and it's music. We don't regret that for a second because we are so passionate about what we do here. It's always been about the music for us. Still, it often has to take a back seat to other things that put food on our plates and keep roofs over our heads.

Touring with Gin is one of the main ways that Steve and I make a living and ultimately is what enables us to continue pouring our free time into Kindo. It's also amazing fun and we are blessed to play with such a great gal and the rest of her fantastic band. We are grateful for such opportunities, and while we don't expect our fans to be quite as excited about them as we are, we do hope with all of our hearts that you understand amidst the frustration why we do things the way that we do.

That being said, this record is making me very happy. It's a bold statement for me to suggest, but this could be the first record that I've been a part of that may also be one of my favorite records in general. It remains to be see what you wonderful people will say about it...

Soon you will hear it... I promise.


In un comunicato sulla pagina facebook dei Reign of Kindo, il batterista Steven Padin ci fa sapere che il nuovo album della band - dal titolo Play with Fire - uscirà tra febbraio e marzo del prossimo anno. Dalle recenti dichiarazioni del gruppo sembrava che il terzo album in studio dovesse arrivare prima, ma il perfezionismo del quintetto ha posticipato i tempi. Intanto, per alleggerire l'attesa, ecco un inedito suonato durante il recente tour brasiliano:

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